Beginner Individual

Welcome, great that you want to join our cozy, but active & inclusive DanceZouk family.

✔️ You prefer personal attention to build directly on your experience?

✔️ You appreciate a more flexible schedule to fit your busy weeks?

✔️ Or you simply like to start right now without any delay?

Then our DanceZouk-Beginner Individual is your ideal start. We‘ll be introducing  you to our Universal Partner Dance Basics that build the base for a wide variety of rithms from Zouk, Bachata, Forró, Boléro, Samba to Salsa & more. Yes, this means this course is dance style independent or, better say, the base for any dance style. Applying very helpful universal tools, techniques & concepts, especially the game changing Liberato Teaching Method, we’ll enable you to dance with confidence, lots of fun&joy with any partner(s) to any music you like. Also, we’ll be training both roles, not because you have to dance both, but for you to choose on the dancefloor and because it’ll help you greatly in learning & improving:

▶️ how to connect & communicate authentically and respectfully,

▶️ how to grow & shape movements and steps with quality, as well as

▶️ how to build your dance, your flow from mutual sensations with versatility & creativity.

No matter if you have a lot, a little or zero experience in Partner Dancing, this course will open a NEW WORLD and be highly beneficial for you:

♦ Embrace community: become part of our family

♦ Express yourself: access & express your feelings

♦ Find joy in movement: connect with dance partners & music

♦ Soothe your soul: Dance as a space to relax and find peace

♦ Boost your well-being: improve strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance

♦ Challenge traditional roles: cultivate a culture of freedom and respect

♦ Unique experiences: local & international events designed for you

After completing the full course you can directly jump into our Zouk Fundamentals (Z2) class on Mondays 20:00-21:15 and our Liberato PartnerDance Experience (L2) on Wednesdays 20:00-21:15, as well as all future Fundamentals level in any style. Even more so, you are ready to join all Socials and dance the night away with us!


SCHEDULE is individual.

Please contact us by Whatsapp (+41 79 291 42 02) to appoint your session(s) after booking here



Full Beginner Module from scratch (either complete 4h or 2h + lateral entry to weekly course) :  CHF 315 (regular) / CHF 235 (student)

Half Beginner Module with prior dance experience (minimum 2 years in any style):  CHF 160 (regular) / CHF 120 (student)



Studio OneSpace „Room for Everything“, Limmatquai 116, 8001 Zürich (5th floor)

Or in a place you choose&organise (additional fees may apply for transportation)


PLEASE NOTE, that in ALL our courses and workshops we promote the following values & principles:

  • Respect
  • Self-Responsibility
  • Freedom of Choice
  • Acceptance & Observation
  • Gender-free Environment

For more details please check our Code of Conduct.

CHF 120.00CHF 315.00