Learn dancing the Liberato way in Zurich

our passion for Liberato partnerdance!

Why Liberato Partnerdance?

Welcome to our Liberato PartnerDance classes. We’re excited to tell you more about why we love them!

 Dancing the Liberato way is genuine & intuitive and allows for resting without judgement, in yourself, with your partner and in the dance. And by this enables you to experience deep connection & joy like never before, with anyone and no matter if at low or high energy, as much as you want, you are in control. Moreover, The revolutionary Liberato Method is a scientifically studied and proven system that opens new ways of partner dancing, away from the traditional lead & follow schemes towards a safe space for conscious listening, adaption & co-creation with one or more partners any time.

Join us and say: “I am me, you are you and let’s explore together what evolves when we listen to each other!” 

get your best from us!

5 benefits of dancing with us!

  1. Join an active, welcoming & inclusive dance community with values
  2. Find new ways to express yourself & feel your body head til toes
  3. Experience the joy of movement & explore genuine connection
  4. Relax your mind & care for your soul after a day of hard work
  5. Improve your health, coordination & fitness
Get started with liberato partnerdance!

Next Beginner Classes

Choose your class below to get started. No membership required.

September 2024
October 2024
November 2024
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Build up Your Skills

Higher levels

Continue your Zouk journey in one of our follow-up classes. Join at any time and even attend multiple classes a week.

  1. Click here to choose your membership

  1. Afterwards register for one or more classes from below class schedule:


Full Class Schedule

September 2024
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practice your Zouk!


Join us, socialize, practice and experience the magic of Zouk.

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our classes


We welcome all dancers. No matter if you are a beginner or very experienced, we will facilitate your individual growth. Our classes are arranged in 5 levels, as described below.

Are you unsure of your level?



Take your first Zouk steps with us. This introduction to the basic principles of Zouk we offer you as a weekly or an intensive weekend course. Feel the flow & experience the playfulness of Zouk in an intuitive & genuine way. No prior experience and no partner needed!

xTra 13. August _241


Let's dive deeper into the variety of Zouk movements. Learn more about Isolations, Waves, Leans and the basic head movements. Discover how to fuse body movements with your basic steps and enjoy the initiation of co-creation with any partner. Let's play & groove!



Unravel the secrets to mastering the dynamics of Zouk. Now is the time to connect and perfect the tools and steps we have learned and focus on the quality and fluidity of our own movements. We'll improve our solo technique for balance, control and endurance.

xTra 13. August _259


Explore new ways to express yourself in Zouk. We'll study how to incorporate other styles, compensate for flaws and swap roles while dancing. Develop the ability to dance in the moment and use any occasion to create an enjoyable and fun dance with any partner.

We're here to Help

Not sure Which Class/Level is for you?

Leave us a quick message and we’ll get back to you asap.

Kontakt - Beratung

Zouk in Zurich

Zouk came to Zurich around 2006, it has since steadily grown and become an integral part of the dancing community here. Currently there are 5 active dance schools teaching Zouk, and 1-2 dancing events every week! 

The dance school DanceZouk.ch was founded by Eric Fehr in 2013. Some of the things that set DanceZouk apart are a teaching methodology focused on solid technique and a great location since 2018, 1 minute walk from Central station. Our students learn in small groups, providing a more individual learning experience.

So far Zouk hasn’t yet been discovered by the large masses and is growing mostly by word of mouth, almost entirely ignored by the media. This has created a rather unique scene that is warm and friendly, welcoming all newcomers. Many zoukers (zouk dancers) actively travel around the world to meet other dancers and to practise their skills!

Zouk's origins


3 Videos

Brazilian Zouk is a partner dance originating from Brazil. Also known as Zouk-Lambada, the dance is a descendant of Lambada, the music & dance style that swept over the world like a storm in the late 1980’s. But the origins are even deeper in the past, in the dance Carimbò, which developed around the 15th century out of the mix of African, Portuguese and Native American cultures and dances.

Zouk offers a wide variety of music, full-body communication and movement, a space to express all your emotions without words.

Brazilian Zouk is characterized by the dancers’ undulating bodies and the girls’ flowing hair. Depending on the style of Brazilian Zouk, you can see a close connection embrace and long graceful steps, strong hip movements, body isolations and upper-body torsions, wild spins and whip-like head movements. While the dance is often called sensual, it is not sexual nor erotic. It is danced by people of all ages in night clubs, dance schools and events around the world!

Like many dance styles, Brazilian Zouk is ever evolving. There are a few different lines or styles of Brazilian Zouk, the main four derivations at the moment (April 2015) being ‘Lambazouk’, ‘Traditional Zouk’, ‘Neo Zouk’ and ‘Mzouk’.